Everything is possible

This is Victor, a 24 year old singer and one of the guys from the postrelease group – a group with guys who just got released from prison. In a session of two hours they all had to make a brainstorm field about their life. After this, I asked them to summarize the...

A survivor, not a beggar

This is Menes la Plume. A young slam poetry artist I met at the Music Crossroads centre. Menes was forced to run from his homeland Congo, because he was making “political incorrect” music. ”You could go to jail for that?” I ask him. ”You...

God’s plan

“I will not just be famous. I will be even more famous then all these celebrities. You remember when the South African president died and it was on the news all over the world? That’s how it will be when I’ll die. I promise you that.” I’m listening...